*✧・゚:* A Hobbiton Tag with Frodo! (it's pure chaos) *:・゚✧*

Hello friends! Long time no see! I've been tagged by MovieCritic to do the Hobbiton Tag!

And I'm going to answer too!


I haven't been around your blog for a while!

You know you can just... have your own blog right?

Yes but it's not the same! It's more fun being on your blog!

Aww... alright fine, you can stay.

Yay! :D

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

So let's begin the fun!

Wait, hold on!

What is it now, Frodo?

We should put music meanwhile we're responding to the questions!

But Frodo, they won't hear it... unless we put it here.

Yes, yes! Please Fawn?!


Hey Fawn! This one's 2 hours long!
But I don't think they'll need it for that-

-long. Alright then...
Let's start!!! I'm excited :D

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The Rules:
1. Please use the above graphic and link back to me!
2. Answer the questions!
3. Tag as few or as many people you'd like!
We're going to tag LOTS of people!
Umm, I don't think I know that many...

Let's get started!
Oh, alright then!

The Questions:
1. You've invited Bilbo over for second breakfast. What are you serving?

Eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast!

What about tomatoes and mushrooms?! You can't forget those!

I suppose you're right. Then it would just be an English breakfast!

It's only English if it has beans. As for me I would make blueberry pancakes!

*cries* that looks amazing. I'm hungry now...

2. It's a nice, cozy evening in your hobbit hole. What kind of hot drink do you relax with? 



*gasps* What?!
Of course I would drink tea! Who do you think I am?
I thought you were crazy for a second!

3. You have to invite either Gollum or the Sackville-Bagginses to your birthday party. Who do you choose? 

I agree. Although, if Gollum were taught some manners he would probably 
behave better than those stinking SB's...
Oof, alright Frodo. Calm down.

4. Cold weather has hit the Shire. Do you curl up with a sweater or a blanket? 

Umm how about both?

I prefer blanket because a sweater can't warm your toes.

Oh that's smart. But I still choose both :D

I like giant blankets! Like the ones you could probably live in!

I mean it's crazy!
Now THIS is my kind of blanket!

So soft and fuzzy!!!

5. Who would you rather go on an adventure with, Bilbo or Frodo?

Bilbo! (...and Frodo!)

Well you can't pick me so you would've picked Bilbo too!

I guess that's true. Well, I can go on an adventure by myself!

...I mean you CAN but it's not the same.

Ugh fine. And I pick Bilbo too!

Or we can all go on an adventure together!
I like that!

6. You're stuck in your hobbit hole with a snowstorm outside. How do you spend your evening?

Reading and drinking tea.

*sighs* so cozy
Getting some extra sleep.

Typical Frodo haha I knew you were going to say that!

It's not my fault I'm tired! Especially after dinner! XD


7. You're planning your birthday party. What's the entertainment: Gandalf's fireworks or Merry and Pippin's singing and dancing? 

Gandalf's fireworks.

Well that was a quick decision!

There's no decision to be made! If Merry and Pip were to sing 
and dance at my party, they would do it horribly on purpose!

Oh Frodo, it's only because they love you so much 
*snickers* but I would choose Gandalf's fireworks too. 
No offense, Merry and Pip! You'll have to entertain
us for the after-party!!

Do you think they can come and do a post too?!

Absolutely not! What would they do to my lovely 
establishment? They would probably create a spam 
post or possibly break the internet.

That's true... well how about if we-

Next question!

8. Of course as a hobbit, you prefer to go barefoot. But if you were the sort for such things, would you prefer fuzzy socks or cozy slippers?




9. Sam's brought you some of his autumn harvest! What do you make; pumpkin pie? Baked apples? Butternut squash soup? The options are endless! 

Ooh! Probably pumpkin pie! But warm, caramelized
pears would be delicious too!

I don't know what I would make... maybe an apple pie? 
I should try to bake one of these days.

That's a great idea!

...a baking podcast?

Frodo, I barely have time to come on here and
WRITE a post. How am I supposed to have
a baking podcast?!

(I could do it!)
Onto the last question!

10. It's a beautiful, crisp autumn day in the Shire. What are your plans for the day?

Go outside and make giant piles of leaves everywhere!
And then jump in them!

I would just lay on them and read.

But jumping on them and throwing the leaves 
in the air is one of the best parts of taking 
the time to make a leaf pile!

But I've worked so hard and jumping and throwing the 
leaves seems like a short enjoyment for all the hard work I did!

Alright fine. But when you're done reading, 
you jump in the pile, right?
Yes of course!
Yay :)

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥   ♡ ♥ ♡ 

We finally finished!

That was fun! Can we do another one?

Some other time maybe. This tag took WAY 
longer than it had to.

But you had fun! And I'm sure your readers had fun!

... that's debatable. But it's getting late and I'm hungry.


Sounds good to me!

Wait, we have to tag people!

Oh that's right! 
We tag anyone whooooo... umm isn't 
wearing shoes! Or socks!?

I think that's a little too specific, Frodo.

Well whoever isn't wearing socks or whoever likes autumn!

That's more like it! Well, leave a comment or 
um, steal the tag if you like!

Goodbye everyone! Enjoy the rest of the Tolkien Blog Party!

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  1. Hahaha!! This was so fun! :D Frodo's interjections were great.

    And that gif of Frodo is so funny! I've never seen it either! :o


    1. Thanks for reading! ... and Frodo says thank you!

      Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one! XD (he looks adorable)

  2. Love it! I'm so glad that you guys did it together! Frodo, you really had me fooled when you said hot chocolate! Lol.

    Yes, getting more sleep is the perfect way to spend an evening! (THAT GIF XD)

    1. Thanks! Hahaha, he had me too!

      Frodo says he's glad someone agrees :D (I know right??)

      Thanks for reading, MC!


    Lol. I love how Frodo is here too :D

  4. Haha, they're THE. BEST. XD

    Frodo likes to intrude once in a while. I have to change my password every so often when he gets out of hand!

    Thanks for dropping by! <3


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