Tolkien Blog Party Has Begun!

Hello friends! I haven't been here in a while but don't worry I haven't forgotten you lovely people <3

If you follow Hamlette on her blog (if you don't, you really should!) then you will have been expecting this week for a while now! She hosts the Tolkien Blog Party every year and gives us games and giveaways to participate in! Go check out her blog for more Tolkien inspired posts and enter her giveaway!!!

Her kick-off game is a Would You Rather so let's get this party going!

Would You Rather...

1.  ...join Thorin's Company or the Fellowship?

Ugh this is a hard one to start with! But probably the Fellowship. I mean, so epic right?

(Plus, who would look after my hobbit boys if I weren't there?)

2.  ...ride Shadowfax or an eagle?

An eagle definitely! Shadowfax would be really cool too, though! But I've always wanted to fly...

3. through Moria or Mirkwood?

Umm, maybe Mirkwood. But I hate spiders so maybe Moria would be better? I don't know. They both sound icky to me. But at least in Moria, the Fellowship would be there.

I always laugh when I see this scene because Aragorn has a tiny bow

4.  ...learn to make elvish rope or mithril chainmail?

Mithril for sure! So sparkly and glittery. Plus, mithril can save your life! More lives saved the better haha

5.  ...try to outwit Smaug or Saruman?

Definitely Smaug. I could never say ANYTHING to Saruman. Even when he was a "good guy" he still creeped me out.

It would still be extremely terrifying (he's a DrAgOn) but I think Saruman is more likely to understand what I'm trying to do. Smaug talked with Bilbo for a long time if you think about it. I wouldn't blame him. After so many years of just you and gold, I'd get kinda tired of it too haha

6.  ...spend an hour with Grima Wormtongue or Denethor?


Grima is just way too weird for me. Especially seeing how he acts around Eowyn *shudders*

7.  ...attend Faramir's wedding or Samwise's wedding?

Samwise's of course! I'm sure Faramir's would be just as beautiful but... I have to be there for Sam and Rosie's!

8.  ...have to care for the One Ring or the Arkenstone for a day?

The Arkenstone, probably. I don't think I'd be strong enough to "care" for the One. And it didn't seem to have an effect on Bilbo so I should be good, right?

9.  ...have tea with Bilbo or Frodo?

Bilbo, for sure! *Frodo pouts in the background* 

But if I had the option to choose both, I would... and I have had tea with both. 

10.  ...fight alongside Boromir or Eomer?

Boromir *cries* I would fight beside him if I could. 

Dang he can really take some orcs out!

Alas, dear readers, that is the end of our tag! But I have another post in the works and it should be up before the end of the week that doesn't mean it will happen but we'll try.

And Frodo will be helping with that so keep your eyes open for some chaotic energy coming from this corner of the internet. It will probably be annoying and boring but we'll try to entertain you as best to our abilities. Right, Frodo? ( he left I guess...?)

Did you all enjoy Hobbit Day? I was sick so I didn't do much but I visited Bilbo and Frodo and we had a mini party! We had cake (of course) and I gave them their gifts. Did you guys do anything special? Let me know in the comments! (That's not an obligation, don't worry)

Bye now! Have a great day!!


  1. What could be better then the Lord of the rings!!?

    1. I KNOW RIGHT?! This week is going to be so great! Thanks for reading!!

  2. Almost the exact same answers as I gave!! As I said, Denethor is a jerk, but Grima is a creep. And I'm not smart enough to outsmart Saruman.

    1. Crazy! Haha yep! Glad we agree ;) Thanks for reading, Erudessa! Its lovely to see you around <3

  3. "(He's a DrAgOn)" XD XD

    Nice answers!

    1. XD he is! Or was. And he was a GiAnT dRaGoN haha!

      Thank you for visiting, Olivia!

  4. Loved your answers to these! Definitely the eagle for sure though. Who doesn't want to get a ride from a GIANT BIRD??? XD

  5. This was a wonderfully fun tag! I have heartily enjoyed reading everybody's answers!

    1. Yes, incredibly fun! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading! I need to catch up on everyone's posts! There's so many to read but I'm glad a lot of us are participating :D

      Thanks for stopping by, Kelly-Anne!

  6. Great answers! I would definitely be there for Rosie and Sam's wedding, too!

    1. Thanks! Oh yeah, definitely :D all the dancing and the flowers and UGH. SO PURE. Merry and Pip probably gave an embarrassing speech at the wedding XD

      Thanks for coming by, MC!

  7. Enjoyed your fun answers and the memes are great! ;-)

  8. Sam and Rosie's wedding would just be so FUN, wouldn't it? :-)

    Your gifs were such a fun addition to this! Thanks for joining the party!

    1. It definitely would! Thanks again for hosting, Hamlette! I don't know what we would do on Tolkien Week without you ;)


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