Apparently It's 2020 and I'm Dead Inside || Life Update(spoiler alert: I'm not actually dead)

Oh.. hey there. 

Haven't been around here in a while. Hmm? What's that? Where have I been? Oh, well that's a long story. I'll explain later. Next question. What took me so long? Well I kinda forgot to be honest with you. A lot of things have changed since I was here last. A. LOT. When? I was here not that long ago! What are you talking about? *nervous laughs* oh shoot. Well. I mean. October wasn't that long ago, right? At least it didn't feel like it to me... well anyway, let's just start. 

Hello again readers! I'm back from the dead. Although not unscathed. So, here's a little update for those of you who are interested. (If you're not then go ahead and scroll all the way down.. don't worry I won't be upset *cries in the corner*)

For one thing, all this crazy end-of-the-world stuff happened! Crazy right? I mean, I thought this year was going to be a great year. And would you look at us now; it's already almost September! 

(When did that happen again?!)

Another thing, I dropped my college classes back in the fall semester and got a full-time job instead. I was going to school for an English degree so I can teach English to kids in Europe. But I found a cheaper and shorter way to do that. So my classes were dropped and luckily I had free tuition so no money was wasted. I was supposed to go to Poland for three weeks back in January but it didn't work out. I'm still certified to teach though, as soon as I complete three weeks of volunteering. 

And another thing, after covid happened, I quit said full-time job! So that was nice. It was getting super stressful and yeah... so I'm currently jobless. *nervous laughs* Again. But I made and saved a TON of money while working full-time for 7 months so that's kinda cool. 

(It's really not... I need a job)

And another thing, my family and I are moving to a different city. Still in the same state but farther from the city. So I had to help my mom with the paperwork for the new property anyway so quitting made a lot of sense. I know God has His hand in all of this so I'm not too worried about anything. 

Also last thing, I'm courting someone right now! So that's pretty crazy and new and I had never thought that would've happened so soon. But here we are! And it's been a great experience so far! 

Time has really flown by and a lot has changed, as you can see. But I trust that God has a plan in all of this. I trust that all of my plans didn't work out for a reason and He taught me a lot through all this. 

So, that's that. Sorry again that I left for such a long time. Now that you're all caught up, we've come to the part where I make the promise to blog more regularly again. What I will blog about, I don't really know yet BUT Tolkien week is coming! September 20-26 so mark your calendars, people! I shall be here for that at least. I also have quite a few drafts saved here so maybe I'll give them a little sparkle and publish them. We'll see what I can accomplish haha!

So how have you all been? Anything new? How is the "pandemic" situation where you're at? (If you're mad at me for leaving, go ahead and rant in the comments.. I deserve it.) 
Take care of yourselves and have a great day!


  1. FAWNABELLE!!! I'm not angry that you haven't been here in a while, I'm just so glad to see you back!! :D Wowza, things have been happening for you! I wish you all the best in all of it! (Oh, and teaching English in Europe sounds fantastic and I know you be wonderful at it!!) Now I'm excited for your coming posts, but I'm waiting patiently. ;)

    1. MC!!! Eep thank you haha! I'm glad to BE back! Hopefully I can get into the swing of things soon. Yes haha a lot's been happening! How've you been?? Already got a post coming soon, don't you worry ;)


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