Hello from the Dark Side...

Hey guys! Long time no see! Yes, I'm alive. Actually, I am very much alive.

This is sort of a catch up post for you lovely peoples. And then we'll get on to the fun stuff! So let's start.

Aw yeah! I'M GETTING CONFIRMED IN APRIL! Whoop whoop! Finally. I've been waiting for this for a LONG time. Really long. I am so pumped for the rehearsal and all that cool stuff. Plus, I'm going to be receiving the Holy Spirit so how awesome is that!

And you guys better be voting for American Idol. They need votes you guys. AND IT'S THE LAST SEASON SO WE CAN'T HAVE ANOTHER SUCKY IDOL THIS YEAR! (Like last year and the year before. Clark should have won last year. I was so mad. I am still upset) So yes, please please PLEASE vote/watch. It's on Fox 11 at 8pm West Coast (5pm for East Coast).  Onto the next part!

I have been rewarded the Infinity Dreams Award by Mironiel Blokzyl at The Life of A Mirkwood Elf! Thanks a bunch, Miss Dark Lord! And don't forget to check out her blog! She has a LOT of info for domination of Middle-earth that is entertaining to read.

  • Use the Infinity Dreams Award picture
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you
  • Tell us 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions
  • Tag 11 bloggers
  • Give 11 questions

Alright, 11 facts!
  1. I do not own a lot of LOTR stuff (if you expected that from me) but my collection is slowly getting up there (SHAME)
  2. I have curly bangs which are uncontrollable. They aren't curled in like most people would expect. They go in different directions (besides left and right). And they are kind of twisted... it's just weird but they are so fun to mess around with (my friends like to mess with them too so it's a win-win XD)
  3. I absolutely love The Phantom of the Opera. But I have only seen the 2004 movie (MORE SHAME)
  4. I am a bookworm but I haven't read all of the books in our shelves. (EVEN MORE SHAME)
  5. I am learning how to speak French. I think I'm like 32% fluent? But I take a long time answering the questions online 0_o (SO MUCH SHAME)
  6. I collect My Little Pony items like coloring books and stickers.
  7. I sleep with a stuffed dog named Brownie.
  8. I have a Rainbow Dash backpack that has wings and a hood.
  9. I've been to Europe twice.
  10. I have not gone to New Zealand but I WILL SOMEDAY (PROBABLY FOOL'S HOPE)
  11. I wear skirts/dresses almost everyday. 
Okay now onto the questions...

1) Coffee or Tea?
Tea please. I cannot (and will not) drink coffee.

2) YES PLEASE *grabby hands* to movie adaptations of your favorite books or NO PLEASE JUST NO to movie adaptations of your favorite books?
Sure why not :P

3) If you could have just one superpower, what would it be?
To fly. I know you didn't ask why but I'm going to tell you anyway. I would want to fly because I could go to New Zealand without taking a plane. I would just need to pack light haha :D

4) Favorite band?
Ugh I can't pick. But one of my favorites is Royal Tailor. They're a Christian band. My favorite song of theirs is "Got That Fire". I LOVE THAT SONG. SO MUCH.

5) Favorite fandom?
The Lord of the Rings. No doubts. Sorry MLP fans. I have to follow my heart and it belongs in Middle-earth.

6) Favorite food?
Cookies. Potatoes if you want real food.

7) Actually sleep at night, or READ ALL THE BOOKS?!

8) Cry over a book, or not?
Cry over a book, which I have done before.

10) Worst book you ever read?
I have NEVER read a book I didn't like. If you have any suggestions, please let me know :D

11) If could meet your favorite celebrity, but could only say one thing, what would you say?
I probably wouldn't speak at all. Or couldn't. Does a hug count? I'll take it.

Alrighty now for the tagging!

LoverofLembas at Lover of Lembas
Ebster the Mormonhippie at ebstersdictionary
Chloe Linn at Rustling Thoughts
The Piano Girl at The Laughing Hobbit
Cordy at Write On, Cordy!

If you don't know 11 bloggers (I barely had enough haha), you can just tag the ones you know.

Now for the 11 questions:
  1. Favorite dessert?
  2. Favorite homecooked meal?
  3. Sun or rain?
  4. Cupcakes or cookies?
  5. Favorite movie and/or musical?
  6. Favorite song?
  7. Flats or heels?
  8. White or black?
  9. Favorite book?
  10. Favorite quote/poem?
  11. Favorite TV show?
These are kind of weird questions but that's how I like them. Okay guys. I hope you enjoyed this post! I will be fulfilling another tag very soon. Maybe tomorrow? Definitely this week haha.

And if you were wondering about the title, here's the explanation. It's been stuck in my head for the past few days and it's killing me. SO MUCH.

Sorry again for not posting but hopefully I will get a schedule going again. Have a nice day!


  1. Eep, a tag! Merci!
    That's so cool you speak French--I didn't know that! I just took my first Latin lesson yesterday (I've done some stuff before but then I just kind of stopped...)

    Congrats on your eminent confirmation! Ooh, I love tea as much as the next bookworm but *gasp* you don't like coffee? Look, I don't know if we can be friends anymore...(just kidding :)

    Ooh, that reminds me--don't forget the book shelf tour tag I tagged you in (obviously you don't have to do it, I just didn't want you to forget).

    Thanks again for the tag!

    1. De rien, mon amie! Yeah, I picked it up this year. Who knew you could take French as a homeschooler and get credit?

      Thanks! SO EXCITED. I made a lot of new friends from my class. Some are LOTR nerds! And Star Wars! Squee! XD

      No I cannot stand it. *sniffle* then I guess it's goodbye. Just kidding ;)

      That's the tag I was referring to heehee. I have a draft but I just have to take pictures of the bookshelf haha. Don't worry I didn't forget X)

    2. Okie-dokie, good! I look forward to seeing it. Oh, here's the link to my tag: loveroflembas.blogspot.com.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I haven't seen phantom in a long time! My brother saw it on stage a long ish while ago. I've only ever seen the movie either, I think I'm gonna have to watch it again soon.


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