When I Think of Rain, I Think Of...

*so for some weird reason, it's cloudy and sprinkling over here where I'm at so I decided to do a post about rain... I really like the rain and now I can do some gardening :D

...cats and dogs!

This is so cute! It's by everydaylouie on Tumblr.
...little hobbits splashing in puddles.

...mud all over the floor.

...sitting in my armchair reading a book.

*sobs* so cute!
...drinking hot chocolate and/or tea in the morning.

...eating tomato soup and grilled cheese.

...admiring all the lovely umbrellas.

...watching rain fall on the window.

...breathing on the glass of the windows and drawing faces.

...pillow fights with Frodo because we're bored and there's nothing else better to do.

...trying new recipes for cookies and having trays and trays at the end of the day.

...wanting to finally clean my desk but never end up doing it.

...the rain scene in Bambi and the "Drip, Drop" song.

...not having an umbrella and coming home with drenched hair and clothes.

...how the first drop of rain always falls in my eye.

...wishing I could watch a marathon but can never convince my mom.

...looking at all the plants and how the water always looks so perfect on it.

...the clean, earthy smell after it rains.

...when you see the animals hiding from the rain but you can tell they want to run in it.

...how everything looks a shade of gray.

...a rainbow stretching across the sky after a long shower.

Thanks for reading! What are your favorite things about rain? What's the weather like where you are?


  1. It is nice and hot here! I think it will probably rain later in the week though. My favorite thing about rain is that it waters the garden. There's not much I like about rain. -June

    1. Lucky! The weather is a little better now. Mornings are gray and gloomy but it brightens up around noon. Yes! That's true! No outside chores :)

  2. It rained so much last week that our priest was kidding around that he was going to speculate in some stock for the Ark, LOL.

    Great post, Fawnabelle!



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