Would You Rather? Book Tag

Hey there, friends! And surprise, surprise, I've been pretty consistent in blogging! *cue happy dance*

It seems that my excuse to blog is to finish tags that I've started. But at least I'm getting content out there, right? Hopefully I'll be able to form a habit after all of my tags are done!

Would You Rather? Book Tag*

*no tag collage because I'm wayyyyy too lazy right now :P

1. Would you rather read only a series or stand-alone books?

It's really intimidating to start a series, so I'll have to say stand-alone books.

2. Would you rather read a book whose main character is male or female?

This is a really hard question! I obviously relate to female characters more (duh) than male but most of the books I've read have male main characters in them. I'll just say female :D

3. Would you rather shop only at Barnes & Noble (or other actual bookstore) or Amazon?

Definitely a physical bookstore! There's something about going to a place filled with books, taking it off the shelf, and taking it home!

Although technology will progress and everything will be done online, I hope someone has the ability to keep physical stores open. Isn't that frightening? That later in our lifetime, we might not see people everyday? Can you even imagine that? *shudders*

4. Would you rather all books become movies or tv shows?

Most series go in depth with the stories they are telling, so I'll say television shows.

5. Would you rather read 5 pages per day or read 5 books per week?

I would like to have the ability to read 5 books per week but I don't have that superpower XD

Fun fact: I usually read an average of 15 pages per day!

6. Rather be a professional book reviewer or an author?

I would rather be a professional book reviewer. I like writing a lot but I write for myself so I feel like it's never finished and that it's changing constantly. That's also a reason that I don't participate in NaNoWriMo or any writing competitions like that...

7.  Would you rather only read the same 20 books over and over or get to read a new book every 6 months?

If I don't get to keep the 6 month books after I've read them, then I'd rather read 20 books over and over. Get it? But if I get to keep the book after 6 months and I have a giant collection from over the years, then I'd rather read a new book every 6 months.

8. Would you rather be a librarian or own a book store?

Own a book store. But I would be sad to let go of any books! Maybe a librarian then, haha. Wait, but then none of the books would belong to me! What a predicament! I think it would hurt me less to let books go if they didn't belong to me. But that's kind of selfish, isn't it?

Sorry, anyway, next question!

9. Would you rather only read your favorite genre or your favorite author?

I would rather read only my favorite genre because my favorite author is in my favorite genre! Now that's what you call "hacking the system", folks!

10. Would you rather only read physical books or eBooks?

Physical books. I feel like I lose connection and get bored quicker if I'm reading it on a mobile device. Unless I really love that book and I read it all the time, it would be convenient to read it whenever I like :D

Whew, that was quick! Not like the Disney Princess Book tag, haha. Hope you all enjoyed reading! Gotta bounce!


  1. Ooh--this was such a cool tag to read about! :)

    I have a few blog posts in the works at the moment, but would it be okay if I did this tag sometime in the future?

  2. Thanks, Kara!

    Yes, of course! Anyone who visits my blog is always welcome to steal my tags ;)

  3. Great answers! I too write for myself and don't plan to publish.

    Do you know if Lover of Lembas is still blogging?

    1. Thanks Erudessa!

      No, she's not blogging anymore... I've been thinking about her too. It's been 13 months and a week since she deleted her blog. I miss her so very much :'(

    2. Me too. :( Although every time I go to her blog, it says that it has been taken private, not deleted.

    3. Really? Hmm, I wonder... I just looked in my archive and she said "I am actually taking down the site permanently" in reply to my last comment to her.

    4. But you're right! I tried to access her blog and it said "open to invited readers only". Do you think her contact email still works?

    5. Hmmmmmm.

      I don't know, you could give it a shot. Let me know what you find.


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