Life Update/The Nameless Tag

Wait, what? Summer's over?! I didn't post ANYTHING this entire summer? I don't know how that happened but I'll give you a quick update!

A lot of FIRSTS happened this summer.
  • I was in my first musical theatre production and it was Peter Pan! I played a pirate and made a lot of friends. I can check that off my bucket list now!
  • This is the first summer where I absolutely ADORE the summer show at Knott's Berry Farm. Last year's really stank; it was a magic show but this year *heart eyes*
  • For the very first time, I successfully watched the extended editions of The Lord of the Rings AND The Hobbit all in one sitting! My LOTR extended edition DVDs are Blu-ray so I borrowed every Blu-ray player from anyone who had pity on me and they didn't work. So we had to buy one and it worked! Oh happy day!!!
  • And this is not the very first time but my mom is letting us watch the Harry Potter movies! More on that subject soon(and when I say 'soon' it will probably end up being next month)
  • Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'M AN AUNT. For that ABSOLUTE VERY-FIRST TIME! This is huge, you guys! My second older sister is pregnant too but she's due in a week. Can you believe it?! TWO nephews in ONE year!
So yeah a lot of happy things going on for me. It's been super busy around here. We threw two baby showers and we performed 8 shows for Peter Pan all in the month of July. It was EXHAUSTING.

Now that I'm finished updating my life, I'll go ahead and finish this tag I've been meaning to do!


1. What book has been on your shelf the longest?

The Bible! No, I'm serious. I've always had my illustrated Bible on my bookshelf. I think I was 6 years old when my godparents gave it to me.

2. What is your current read, your last read, and the book you’ll read next?

I'm currently reading The Adventure of the Silver Blaze in the Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the last thing I read was The Adventure of Copper Beeches in the Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and I want to read The Win Without Pitching Manifesto by Blair Enns next. Why? Because Chris Do told me so.

3. What book did everyone like, but you hated?

I've never read a book that other people read AND I've never read a book that I hated.

4. What book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?

Probably the Catechism of the Catholic Church OR I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris. I have Boy Meets Girl but I can't find the first one for the life of me! It's killing me...

5. What book are you saving for retirement?

Very long classics. Moby Dick, War and Peace, you know that stuff.

6. Last page: read it first, or wait ’til the end?

Oh definitely read it first. Most of the time it doesn't matter but yeah. I've always read the last page. It's a horrid habit.

7. Acknowledgement: Waste of paper and ink, or interesting aside?

... um what?

8. Which book character would you switch places with?

That's a hard question! I think I would say Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz because, most of time, her story is happy and not very stressful. Although I would be terrified of the Wicked Witch of the West...

9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life? (Place, time, person?)

This is actually really hilarious but I have a 7-year-old foster brother (who is my cousin) and we're taking care of him. Anyway, my dad has a *ahem* hard time dealing with his behaviors and I SWEAR IT'S LIKE SAM AND GOLLUM. It's so funny! Like when he tried to do something ridiculous it's just like *facepalm*. And then my mom is like Frodo and she's like trying to calm my dad down and making excuses for my cousin saying "he's just a kid, you don't understand him, etc" and I DIED when I saw it for the first time. Well, at least it was funny for me.

10.  Name a book that you acquired in an interesting way.

I stole a book from Frodo once. It was very interesting. But it was a sketch book so I don't think that counts... does it?

Other than that, an old lady that is a neighbor to our friends was getting rid of a set of old hardcover books and we took them in and gave them a new home! There are 36 in total and they are proudly displayed on our top bookshelf.

11. Have you ever given a book away for a special reason to a special person?

*gasp* I have never given a book away! Oh wait, just kidding, I have! It was our friend's birthday last month and I gave her the first Kit Kittredge book in the American Girl series. It was her 10th birthday and she loves to read :)

12. Which book has been with you the most places?

Hands-down, The Hobbit. I've carried that book in my bag for like 6 months. I have a very strong relationship with that book.

13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad later?

I hated reading my math book. I just wanted to get the problems finished and not have to read it. And whatever "required reading" I have done in high school are books that I've picked so yay me! (#bestpartofhomeschooling)

14. Used or brand new?

If it's a classic binding, then used books are great! Sometimes there are dedications or papers inside the books. But new books are great too.

15. Have you ever read a Dan Brown book?

Nope... who is that? *looks up Dan Brown* okay I'm fine with not ever reading Dan Brown.

16. Have you ever seen a movie you liked more than the book?

Nope. I was going to say Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland but the books are great. I don't like Tim Burton's version... *cue rant* ...never mind. I won't bore you with my issues about Tim Burton. ( But I'm very concerned to see Dumbo next year... very concerned)

I like the Wizard of Oz movie. Then again I read that book when I was 9 so I don't really remember that book very well. Time for a re-read!

17. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks included?

Yes! I love reading all of the French cookbooks :)

18. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?

Bilbo... And my mom, of course.

19. Is there a book out of your comfort zone that you ended up loving?

I don't really read YA fiction but I loved Everland by Wendy Spinale. I cannot express how much I loved that book! The sequel, Umberland, is very good too!


And that's the end of the post, everyone! I hope you didn't get very tired of reading it. It was nice to catch up with you all. How was your summer? Anything new or exciting happen?


  1. That sounds like a crazy day, watching the LotR and Hobbit extended versions. I haven't even watched the regular...

    Congrats on being an aunt! Nephews are the best!! <3

    That was my exact same reaction for #16!

    Also, your new blog look is so great! :D

    1. Yep! It was tiring... Really?! Even if you only watch The Fellowship of the Ring, it would be worth it. I think the total running time was 22 hours, haha.

      Thanks! They really are!

      Oh really? About Tim Burton's Dumbo or about the Wizard of Oz? XD

      Thanks so much! It took me a while to figure out what look I was going for but I'm very satisfied with the end result. Frodo helped me out with the background :D

    2. I guess I saw bits and pieces of tFotR and tRotK when I was little, but I was very confused. I think I would really like it now. 22 hours??!! That is crazy! XD

      About Dumbo. :/ I am very concerned...

      Tell Frodo he picked well! :D It looks awesome!

    3. I think you would like it too. Yup, it was pretty intense and emotionally draining but, you know, you have to take that time once in a while :)

      I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm only interested in how Dumbo will look throughout the movie, regarding the 3D animation/motion capture stuff. But other than that, I'm good XD

      He said thank you very much! I think so too!

  2. D'AWWWWWWWW!!! Congrats to your family on the new babies!!!

    And your family interactions do sound rather funny - I love the Sam/Gollum comparison :)


    1. Thank you! My other sister had her baby this morning actually! I'm so excited to meet him!

      They are funnier in person than how I wrote them XD

      Thanks for reading, Catherine!

  3. I had a really fun summer!! I got to go see the band "For king and country"!! Have you heard of them? -Jose

    1. I'm so glad! *gasp* REALLY?! Yes, I have heard of them! Did they perform their new song "joy"?! AHHHHHH that must have been SO amazing!!! :D

    2. Yes!! They did do Joy!! (My favorite song by them) It was the last song. -Jose

    3. How fun! They're one of the few bands I haven't seen... I've been DYING to see Switchfoot, Hillsong Young and Free, and of course for King and Country in concert! Those three bands are at the top of my bucket list :D

    4. I would like to see Switchfoot to!- Jose


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